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WBJEE Result 2012 | WB Joint Entrance Examination Results 2012

WBJEE Result 2012 | WB Joint Entrance Examination Results 2012 | West Bengal JEE Entrance Exam 2012 at www.wbjeeb.in

WB JEE JEM 2012 Examination date has been announced by WB JEE . This years examination of WB JEE JEM 2012 is going to held on 15/04/2012.The Result of WB JEE  2012 will be declared on 15/06/2012 on its official website of West Bengal JEE. The candidates who appeared in the examination have to visit official website of WB JEE (www.wbjeeb.in).

Official website of WBJEE : www.wbjeeb.in

Tags : WBJEE Results 2012, Results of WBJEE 2012, WBJEE Results Date 2012, WBJEE 2012 Results, WBJEE Result Announced 2012, WBJEE Result published 2012, Display of WBJEE Result 2012, West Bengal JEE Results 2012, West Bengal JEE Results Webiste 2012,
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Karnataka CET 2012 Result | KCET 2012 Result

Karnataka CET 2012 Result | Karnataka Common Entrance Test 2012 Result 

Karnataka Examination Authority is going to Conduct Karnataka CET 2012 on  03/05/2012 and 04/05/2012 for admission to First Years Under Graduate Course in Medical ,and Engineering for Ecademic years 2012 - 2012 . The candidates who is appearing in the examination may get Result of Karnataka CET 2012 in the First week of June 2012. The result Of Karnataka CET 2012 will be available on the following website after daclaration of result Candidates may visit following Link To Get Result .

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CS Result 2011 | ICSI CS Result December 2011 at www.icsi.edu

CS Results 2011 , Company Secretaries Results 2011 | ICSI Results December 2011  CS Results  ICSI Results at www.icsi.edu

Institute of Company Secretaries India is going to declare Result of CS (Company Secretory) Examination which was held in the month of December 2011 . The Result of ICSI CS December Exam 2011 will be available on its official website on 25/02/2012 at 11 A.M . The Candidates who appeared in the examination may visit official website of ICSI (www.icsi.edu) on 25/02/2012.

The candidates who want to get the result of ICSI CS December examination may visit following website .

Click Here To Get Result : www.icsi.edu
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VRO VRA Result 2012 | AP VRA VRO Result 2012 at www.ccla.cgg.gov.in

AP VRO Result 2012 | Andhra Pradesh  VRA Result 2012 at www.ccla.cgg.gov.in

Andhra Pradesh State Chief Commissioner of Land Administrator was conducted the written Test examination for Village Revenue Officers (VRO) and Village Revenue Assistants (VRA)  on 19 th feb 2012 > The candidates who appeared in the examination is Now Searching for the Result of VRA VRO Examination 2012. The VRA VRO Examination Result will be Available on Official website of Andhra Pradesh State Chief Commissioner of Land Administrator after 25/03/2012. 

The Result will be available  www.ccla.cgg.gov.in so the candidates have to visit Regularly Official website of Andhra Pradesh State Chief Commissioner of Land Administrator to Get Their Result .

Official Website : www.ccla.cgg.gov.in 
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Walk-in for the posts of Customer Agent at Air India Air Transport Services Limited (AIATSL) - Feb 2012


Air India Air Transport Services Limited (AIATSL) wishes to engage Indian Nationals, who meet with the requirements specified herein, for ground duties, on a fixed term contract basis for a period of three years which may be renewed on the basis of their performance of work for filling up, the following vacancies for the posts of Customer Agent at Amritsar Station and to maintain a waitlist for the same.

NUMBER OF POSITIONS :- 30 (16 Gen , 6 OBC, 8 SC )

Vacancies are indicative and may increase or decrease depending on Company's requirement. The actual reservation will depend on the cadre strength prevailing at that point of time. The company, is a subsidary of one of the premier and largest Airlines in the country, Air India Limited.

Interested candidates, who fulfill the stipulated eligibility criteria as given on our website, www.airindia.in are required to WALK-IN in person alongwith the application form duly filled in and requisite fee and one set of self attested documents supporting their eligibility.

VENUE : Hotel Alstonia, SCO-111, Distt. Shopping Centre, Ranjit Avenue,
Near Passport Office, Amritsar, Punjab-143001

Walk-in-Date : 28.02.2012
Registeration Time : 09.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

For complete advertisement visit : http://www.indianairlines.in/scripts/careers/Amritsar%20Customer%20Agent%202012.pdf
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Haryana Police going to recruit 1000 Computer Operators, computer operators in hariyana

>एक हजार कंप्यूटर ऑपरेटर की होगी भर्ती
(Haryana Police going to recruit 1000 Computer Operators)

यमुनानगर, जागरण संवाद केंद्र

हरियाणा पुलिस में कंप्यूटर आपरेटर अस्थायी पदों के लिए 1000 पुरुष सिपाही(सामान्य श्रेणी-450,अनुसूचित जाति-180, बीसी ए-140,बीसी बी-80 व भूतपूर्व सैनिक-सामान्य श्रेणी-80,एससी-20,बीसी ए-20,बीसी बी-30)भर्ती किए जाने है।

एसपी ने अपने प्रवक्ता के माध्यम से बताया कि आवेदक राज्य स्तरीय कम्प्यूटर दक्षता में पास हो। इसके बिना कम्प्यूटर दक्षता के किसी भी आवेदक का आवेदन स्वीकार नहीं किया जाएगा। 300रुपये के डिमांड ड्राफ्ट के साथ हरियाणा स्टेट इलेक्ट्रानिक्स डेवलपमैंट कारपोरेशन लिमिटेड एससीओ-111-113,सेक्टर-17बी चंडीगढ को भेज सकते है। जिला यमुनानगर से संबंधित आवेदक कार्यालय पुलिस अधीक्षक यमुनानगर में 28 फरवरी तक आवेदन जमा करवा सकते है।
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www.exam.rajpanchyat.gov.in | Rajasthan 3rd Grade Teacher | exam.rajpanchyat.gov.in

>www.exam.rajpanchyat.gov.in, Rajasthan 3rd Grade Teacher, Rajasthan 3rd Grade teacher Solved paper
Teacher job
www.exam.rajpanchyat.gov.in, Rajasthan 3rd Grade Teacher, Rajasthan 3rd Grade teacher Solved paper
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